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Spring into Faith with the March Messenger
Received during the season of Lent each year, each gift to OGHS helps improve people's lives in these challenging situations. The Offering allows us to share God's love with our needy neighbors. In fact, OGHS is the largest way Presbyterians come together every year to work for a better world. OGHS supports the work of the following agencies:
The Anna B. Hoadley Scholarship
The Anna B. Hoadley Scholarship Fund was established in 1973. The purpose of this fund is to provide educational grants to Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church members who plan to attend, or are currently attending, accredited colleges, universities, seminaries, and technical/trade schools. All members who have not previously received The Anna B. Hoadley Scholarship are eligible to apply for a 2025 Hoadley Scholarship. Each Scholarship awarded will be in the amount of $3,000. Applications will be available in the church office beginning March 1. Applications are due to Deb Szwed, Clerk of Session, by May 1. Recipients will be announced by June 1. If you have any questions, please contact Sherry Brown.
Helping Hand Update
The food pantry is overflowing! The Sou per Bowl Challenge has allowed our pantry to overflow into other storage areas around Weir Foyer and in the Office Suite. At this time, the pantry has needs for only the following items: Peanut butter, Pasta Sauce, Canned Fruit, Elbow Macaroni, Spaghetti, and Cereal. We will update the list as we reduce what is on hand.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Don Filiak and Ray Scoboria for their weeklong effort to organize all of the goods we received. They had to sort, organize, box, and place into storage everything that was brought to us by the other churches. This also included throwing out many expired items that were donated.
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How Can I Help?
Make a contribution
Cherry Hill offers a secure, on-line giving option to encourage faithful stewardship. Please click on the link below to begin a one-time or recurring contribution.
Contributions may always be mailed to the church, to the attention of:
Kim McDonald
24110 Cherry Hill Road
Dearborn, MI 48124
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Kim at the church office:
313 - 563 - 4800 or
Thank you for your continued support!
How Can I Join You?
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& our YouTube channel
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What Can I Do?
Helping Hand Food Pantry
We are helping people in our community
to fight hunger.
Helping Hand’s
Helping Hand is a program supported by the congregation of this church. We supply food to people of our community on an emergency basis. Other area churches and local organizations participate in this program by providing additional food and monetary donations that assist us in keeping the church pantry supplied. These are our sole sources of assistance to aid those who come to us in need.
The Helping Hand Food Pantry is open on the first and third Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.* If it is your first time, please come before 11:30 a.m. To qualify to receive food from the pantry, a picture I.D. is required. Only one person per household (per address) is eligible to apply for assistance for the family. Eligible participants can receive food from the pantry once every other month**.
*may be closed due to bad weather, or a church event; it’s best to call ahead
**subject to change depending on food supply
Since 1989, the food pantry has served an increasing number of families every year and remains committed to addressing food insecurity in southeast Michigan where, as many as 1 in 7, households struggle to put food on the table.
How can I donate food?
Generally, you can drop off non-perishable food items to the church Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., but please call ahead.
with “Helping Hand” on the memo line.
And Thank You!
Christian Education Studies
Check out our latest studies:
"Check Back in January" for winter studies.
Click Here for more information
Building Usage - Space to Share, Room to Grow
We've been a part of the Dearborn community since 1942. During that time, we've been able to support our neighbors by providing space for many community activities -- scout meetings, yoga classes, meetings and more. Our usage fees are very reasonable and help cover maintenance costs for our building. Please contact us to learn more about our building and how it might fit into your plans. Download a flyer with more details here.